'Sokaimyo' is a Japanese word that means the symbol of the ancestors. SokaimyoThe Sokaimyo has the surnames of both the sides of husband and wife written in it. In case of any one unmarried the surnames of the sides of father and mother are written. After becoming a member of the Eurasia Reiyukai we receive the opportunity to remember our ancestors by ourselves through the medium of the Sokaimyo for both sides' family ancestors of our father and mother or husband and wife.
The Reiyukai has three main pillars to practice: the first one is ancestral remembrance, second is purification of karma and the third is practice of repentance.
The karmic relations of the ancestors of both of the families can be saved through the medium of the Sokaimyo. We ourselves can do that.
The Eurasia Reiyukai members wear a Sash when practicing Sashthe Reiyukai teachings. It is also called the Reiyukai uniform. Those who wear the Sash are all equal. Nobody will be there as rich or poor or great or small. Since one wearing the Sash and holding the Beads is entitled to practice the teachings, the Eurasia Reiyukai members should have great respect and esteem for the Sash and the Beads.
The Reiyukai uses the Beads of rounded wooden pieces stringed together to form a human shape. The big piece on the side of the head indicates the invisible world, while the similar on the side of the foot indicates the visible world. The pieces in between numbering hundreds represent the wishes of the human beings. Recitation is done with the Beads in the hands holding the part towards the head on the middle finger of the right hand and the part towards Beadsthe foot on the middle finger of the left hand. The Beads is also called the Arms of Peace. When practicing Reiyukai teachings the Sash is worn and the Beads is held in hands. The Eurasia Reiyukai members should have great respect and esteem for the Sash and the Beads.