The Eurasia Reiyukai 15th Branch was born on January 20, 2001. Its Main Hall is located at Kaushaltar, Madhyapur Thimi Municipality-15, Bhaktapur, Bagmati Zone, Nepal.Its building was constructed with the financial assistance of the Reiyukai Head-quarters and was inaugurated by the blessed hands of the Eurasia Reiyukai President, Mr. Yushun Masunaga on March 20, 2003.
Mr. Prabin Kumar Gurung is the Mihata Responsible Shibucho of Eurasia Reiyukai 15th Branch.
EURASIA REIYUKAI 15TH BRANCH, Main Hall, Social Development Center
Kaushaltar, Madhyapur Thimi Municipality -15, Bhaktapur, Bagmati, Nepal.
Tel. : +977-1-6631562 Fax : +977-1-6631562