The Eurasia Reiyukai 17th Branch was born on January 20, 2001. Its Main Hall is located at Janakpath, Siddharthanagar Municipality, Ward No. 12, Rupandehi, District, Lumbini Zone, Nepal. Its building was constructed with the financial assistance of the Reiyukai Head-quarters.
Mr. Dol Raj Aryal is the Mihata Responsible Shibucho of Eurasia Reiyukai 17th Branch
EURASIA REIYUKAI 17TH BRANCH, Main Hall, Social Development Center , Siddarthanagar.
Janakpath, Siddarthanagar Municipality-12, Rupandehi, Lumbini, Nepal.
Tel. : +977-71-526674 Fax : +977-71-524002