The term Reiyukai, literally means society of the spiritual fellowship. Reiyukai Headquarter, Shakaden, Tokyo, JapanReiyukai aims at creating at least one more person effortful to build up world peace in order to make each and every family peaceful.

The Reiyukai has three main pillars to practice: the first one is ancestral remembrance, second is purification of karma and the third is practice of repentance.

With our ancestors we have our blood and karmic relation. That is why we receive the opportunity to enshrine the holy symbol of both side families ancestors in our house which provides us the opportunity to save the karmic relation inherited from both sides families ancestors by ourselves.

We receive the opportunity to recite Saddharmapundariksutra in the morning and in evening two times a day. The practice of ancestors remembrance is itself the path to save the ancestors soul.

We have blood and karmic relation with our ancestors, therefore both the good and bad karma is inherited from our ancestor to us. The good karma which has been inherited from our ancestors should pass on widely to others. The bad karma we received should be eliminated within oneself through the practice of Reiyukai Teaching, not letting it to be transform to the descendants. Handing over the bright future to the descendants is itself called the repentance and purification of karmic relation.

Finding out bad conduct of oneself through the means of repentance and receiving the opportunity to change one's conduct is itself called repentance. Getting the opportunity to practice together with the members related to one's karma is itself opportunity to implement the practice of repentance.

Michibiki (Members Enrollment)

The term michibiki means to guide a person to a right path. The michibiki practice means to create persons dedicated to work for other persons making them aware of their duties and responsibilities and the realization cause of being born as human beings in the world. Reiyukai has nothing to do with any religion or politics. Everybody irrespective of their faith and political ideology has his/her ancestors. Discrimination doesn't take place for any sect, religion, caste, sex and color. Everybody can therefore, be a member of Reiyukai.


Eurasia Reiyukai has had the opportunity to carry out several sorts of social activities for the benefit of the society. For example, we had the opportunity to carry out activities like constructing of water tanks, free health camps, ambulance services, computer training, M.C. training, tailoring training, rickshaw project, free Japanese language classes, Braille classes, conducting sign language classes, providing scholarship to the diligent and poor students, national and international oratory contests, distribution of relief materials like cash and kind including food, clothes, medicines for flood-victims, traffic awareness programme, climate change awareness programme, environment related art competition and workshop for children's personality development.

Members’ Code of Conduct (Sukarya) of Eurasia Reiyukai

The great duo gurus, Mr. Kakutaro Kubo and Mrs. Kimi Kotani, established the Reiyukai which was efficiently followed and practiced by duo gurus, we availed the ample opportunity to receive the guidance of Eurasia Reiyukai Founder President regarding the most important treasure of the teachings of Bussogonen contained in Saddharmapundarika Sutra. Foundation of Eurasia Reiyukai amid great objective believes in cent percent visible and invisible world in order to lead the better life by availing opportunity to implement oneself and to implement the same to others as well. We should be committed to follow the following criterion in order to effectively practice great Eurasia Reiyukai Teachings received by us with pride.

  1. To avail opportunity to gather virtuous merit of Michibiki with a view to awaken the feelings of Bodhiatma (Bodhi soul) to those who lack the feelings of bodhisattavas
  2. Let us avail opportunity to save the soul of our ancestors by welcoming the Sokaimyo with a view to build a home centralized with ancestors.
  3. To refrain from such activities, this rules the guidance of our Founder President.
  4. To share happy experiences in order to spread divine light by participating in different gatherings with quest of learning organized by Eurasia Reiyukai for making faithful relation between Michibiki Oya and Members.
  5. Due to Great Reiyukai teachings organizations exists and we availed this opportunity to practice being Leaders and Employees. Let us avail this opportunity to practice with gratitude without forgetting these sermons.
  6. Let us avail the ample opportunity to initiate every matter with prayer and protect our great nature received from our ancestors by offering gratitude and having the quest for learning and feelings of forgiveness.
  7. To regularly pay the prescribed membership & renewal fees as fixed in schedule time.
  8. The members under our channel are the circle of friends of our practice .Without forgetting these words one should not use them for one’s personal benefit.
  9. By organizing gatherings and doing michibiki to as many people as possible, let us use them as ancestral remembrance practice and build such homes and families living together with a feeling of gratitude towards ancestors.

Concerning with Organisation

  • Let us avail an ample opportunity to fulfill our duties and responsibilities and practice the same by being grateful. Always keep in mind that due to great Reiyukai teachings organizations exists along with the members and employees
  • Don’t break the confidentialities of the organizations and don’t proclaim your personal decision as the decision of the organization.
  • The office bearers of the organization are advised not to take any decision only for their members or their territory and do not decide any matter personally.
  • • If any assets of the organization are to be sold then do not go against the rules and regulation and code of conduct of Eurasia Reiyuaki.
  • • Do not disclose confidentialities of the Eurasia Reiyukai by making an alliance to any other organization conducting activities by using the name of Reiyukai.
  • • One should not back-bite among members, lie, and writing and publicizing, pulling others leg etc. Do not use pinching words and works which will hurts others.
  • • Do not make any relation with political parties. Avail opportunity to always work for the development of the country by being grateful to the country.
  • Always take opportunity to work for the development of the country being grateful attitude and keep completely away from any political party or organization.

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